EnerCorp is a successful North American Company with Operations in Northern AB, BC, West & South Texas, Louisiana, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio.
Great pay, benefits, and more
Joining EnerCorp you will become part of a team of motivated people who are contributing directly to the company’s success, and can share in that success.
We work hard but more than that, we value our team members, and want to see them succeed. A testament to that is our many long-term, multi-year employees and managers.

Training & Development
“EnerCorp’s goal is to inspire every team member to do their best, every day.”
We work together to clearly define individual accountability, set achievable goals, clarify “riverbanks” of responsibility/authority, and allowing our team to excel at their position without micro-management.

At the trades level
Each apprentice is matched up with an experienced and appropriate journeymen to help them progress smoothly to their own journeyman level. Based on their job performance, aptitude and attitude, EnerCorp journeyman become candidates for lead hands or management.

At the management level
All new members attend initial management training. Every quarter, our entire management team conducts training with a business coach, focusing on rotating topics like strategic planning, financial literacy, leading and motivating people, job execution and process improvements.