Cost Savings Case Study

eFlowback Manages Over 2,000 lbs of Sand Per Hour In Permian

Location: Permian

The Problem

An operator in the Permian was completing new wells and was looking for an innovative flowback solution that wouldn’t leave them dealing with high sand carryover rates at their production facility.

They had seen EnerCorp’s social media posts on Flowback 2.0 and our best-in-class desanding technology. The operator was eager to learn more about how EnerCorp’s fit-for-purpose solution could enhance production at the wellsite.

The Solution


Our application engineering team met with the operator early on in the process to learn more about the wellsite and the goals they were hoping to achieve. Based on their requirements, our suggested solution was eFlowback: automated sand management technology. While the operator had not heard of it before, they were intrigued by the benefits it would bring and wanted to see it in action.

The operator wanted to know whether eFlowback would be able to handle the amounts of sand the well was expected to produce and whether they would be able to open the well faster without having to deal with any sand carryover in order to increase production rates. In addition, they wanted to be able to reduce man power and increase site safety, as well as cut operation costs. Our team assured them that eFlowback would be able to achieve all of these goals — with ease.

The Results

eFlowback Managed over
250,000 lbs
Peak rate of
1 lbs

Our highly experienced team rigged up and deployed the eFlowback ecosystem on a two-well pad. Once the wells were opened, the automated sand management system was set into action. Instead of fighting sand returns, the operator was able to focus on managing the early stages of the new wells.

The eFlowback system managed over 500,000 lbs of sand over 24 days, with over 2,000 lbs of sand per hour from each well at peak rates.

With automated technology, eFlowback enabled the customer to reduce personnel from three daytime operators and three night time operators to just two daytime operators and two nighttime operators just 12 days into the job, and then again to a single daytime operator and a single night time operator just 19 days into the job. This saved the operator a significant amount in labor costs, all while following their planned choke schedule and never holding for sand rates to subside.

In terms of sand management efficiency, eFlowback resulted in just 1% sand carryover for the duration of the entire job.

The operator was so thrilled with the results that they implemented eFlowback on two additional wellsites, which saw continued cost savings job after job.

Automated sand management isn’t the future — it’s now. Contact EnerCorp to learn more about how you can implement this innovative technology at your wellsite.


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