Cost Savings Case Study

Haynesville Operator Saves Big with Sahara Advanced Sand Cyclone

Location: Haynesville Shale

The Problem

An operator in the Haynesville area was having issues with sand management during flowback. There was a considerable amount of carryover sand going to downstream equipment and causing damage to their facilities.

The client heard about EnerCorp’s Sahara Advanced Sand Cyclone solution and the successes other operators had with it — and they decided to perform a head-to-head comparison with the Sahara and another desander during the job to test it out.


The Solution

EnerCorp’s sales, engineering, and operations teams collaborated with the operator’s production manager and field superintendent to better understand the issues they were facing as well as their well flow characteristics. Using this information, we developed an engineering flowback plan incorporating the Sahara Advanced Sand Cyclone as the sand management solution.

We also proposed a sand quantification system so the operator could determine the exact amount of sand captured by the Sahara and whether any sand was being carried over downstream to the sand knockout. Previously, the operator was using vague sand quantification techniques with light, medium, and heavy nomenclature.

The Results

Over 25 days of flow, the Sahara Advanced Sand Cyclone captured 32,248 lbs of sand, which is a sand capture rate of 99.9%.

What is important to note is that the operator was expecting the flowback stage to last only 14 days. With a traditional flowback setup, this may have been the case. However, with EnerCorp’s flowback 2.0 setup and the visibility we have through data, we could see that the well needed more time to clean up. If it was rigged down too soon, a large amount of sand would have ended up in the production facilities, causing a lot of damage.

Through this job, the client has become a firm believer in EnerCorp and our Sahara Advanced Sand Cyclone technology. They have awarded us more than 50% of their wells in 2023, with more to come. Seeing the cost savings we can provide by eliminating the need for a low pressure sand knockout and any damage caused to the production facility is a major benefit the client appreciates.

Want to see the same performance on your well? Don’t risk the job with outdated flowback technology that doesn’t offer 99.9% sand capture rates. Contact EnerCorp today to learn more about the Sahara Advanced Cyclone and what it can do for your bottom line.

Days of flow
The Sahara Captured
of sand
With a
Sand Capture Rate

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