
We LOVE being the nerds of flowback and sand mgmt. We are the Steve Urkel of cyclones!

While our head nerd, James, typically shows his “Stefan Urquelle” side more than his “Steve Urkel” side, he’s still a 100% nerd about flowback! Under his leadership, our team of engineers, sales, and operations successfully developed, launched, and are operating a fully autonomous flowback ecosystem for operators today. Our highly engineered automated solution brings together industry-leading sand separation technology with automation, measurement systems, and cloud-based software. We provide operators with an autonomously controlled flowback site that can be continuously monitored and controlled remotely. It takes some top-tier nerds to produce this stuff!

We love nerding out with our engineering team to ensure every well gets individual attention and analysis.

Don't let those other folks let sand into your facilities and pipelines with nothing to say for their poor performance except "did I do that"?

nerd out with us about eFlowback

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